If your promo/discount code isn’t working this may be because you are trying to use it on items that are not applicable. Most codes cannot be used on BRANDS items. These can be identified at the beginning of the item name e.g. ' AX Paris Navy Floral Button Front Mini Dress'. For full T&C's click here.
Where is the promo code box?
The promo code box can be found on the 'My Bag' page, before you checkout.
1. Go to your bag and find the 'Add a Promo Code' option:
2. Manually type the promotional code in the ‘Enter promo code’ box (near the bottom of the 'My Bag' page).
3. Click ‘Apply code’ and continue to checkout.
Here are some tips if your promo code isn't working:
1. Make sure the promo code is in date (any start or expiry date will be shown on your voucher or email).
2. Make sure the code matches exactly, codes are cAsE sensitive, make sure there is no space at the end or beginning of the promo code, and include any hyphens (-) where shown.
3. Do not copy and paste codes. Always type the promo code manually into the promo box.
4. Do not use promo codes on sale or promotional items. Promo codes are only valid on full-priced items.
5. Do not use promo codes on BRANDS items. Promo codes are not valid on non-New Look items (i.e AX Paris, Mela, GymPro), unless specifically stated. A list of BRANDS can be found here.
6. Single Use Coupon Codes: Some codes, such as UNiDAYS can only be used once. It may be that your promo code has already been used.
If you have checked all of the above, but your discount still doesn't apply, please contact one of our helpful Customer Care Teams on the contact us options right at the bottom of this page.
Can I use multiple discount/promo codes on one order?
Most of the discount codes that we accept, including student and staff discount, will only apply one per order, and will not apply against items that have already been discounted.
If you have a promo code for free delivery however, it is likely that this will also work alongside a promotional discount.
Loyalty prices and multibuy offers
If you purchase any items as part of a multibuy offer, the multibuy offer will override the loyalty price but any additional items that don't qualify for the multibuy will be charged at loyalty pricing. E.g. if you purchase 3 tops that are part of a 2 for £20 offer, you will pay £20 for 2 of the tops and your member price for the third.