If you have returned your item via post, you can still track your order using the steps below.
Yes, you can track your return yourself!
Please allow up to 15 working days for your refund to show in your account, from the date you send your parcel back to us.
If you send back more than one item, these may not be processed at the same time.
There is no need to contact us. You'll receive an email when your refund has been processed.
We are unable to look into any refund queries until 15 working days have passed.
Tracking your return is easy. You can access the portal again (by clicking the return order button here and entering the same details as when you created your label), here you can see any returns for that order. Click on the one you want to track to see how it is processing:
- If you have returned an order placed in store (order numbers starting HS) back to our warehouse, you will need to contact us to arrange your refund. More info here.
- If you paid by Gift Card (including One4All cards), returns to the warehouse will be refunded to the same gift card, and funds are usually available within a few hours of the refund email being received.