You are unable to return items purchased in store to our warehouse, but you can return your items to any New Look store in the country of purchase. Find your nearest store here.
How long do I have to return?
We hope you love everything you buy from us, but if you want to return or exchange your purchase for any reason, then we’re fine with that too.
If you change your mind and decide to return any items, you can do so within the following time limits:
- You can return any full price item within 28 days, including items purchased with promotional discounts.
- Sale items purchased in-store are eligible for an exchange only, within 14 days.
I've lost my receipt, can I still get a refund?
We cannot accept any returns without a valid receipt/order number (we no longer send dispatch notes, find out more here).
Can someone return a purchase on my behalf?
Yes of course. Make sure they have the receipt, and the original payment card if applicable. Refunds can only be issued to the original payment method. If the original card isn't available our stores will process a refund to a New Look gift card.
For pre-loved pieces from Re-Fashion see here.
For orders placed in store:
1. If you have placed an order in one of our stores (order number always starts HS), returns from that order will ALWAYS need to be returned into a New Look store (including Brand items).
2. Simply take your item(s) and order number/till or e-receipt into your nearest New Look store, along with the payment card used for purchase.
Why can't I return an in-store order to the warehouse?
Unfortunately, the order system does not hold your payment information from the till purchase, so any orders returned to the warehouse will not receive automatically receive a refund. Please contact our Customer Care team if you have returned an order purchased in-store to the warehouse in error.
For a list of refund exceptions, please read more here.